
Elev8 Baltimore thrives because of support from sponsors, partners, employees and volunteers. Our volunteers serve in a variety of roles, including tutors, athletic coaches, cafe aides, hall monitors, administrative support and beautification projects.

Get involved with Elev8 Baltimore and help students develop both in and out of school!

To volunteer, please fill out our application here.

AARP Experience Corps Tutor

Experience Corps Volunteers – people age 50 and older help children in kindergarten through third grade learn to read. By volunteering as a reading tutor, you can help change a child’s future. You provide the life experience. We’ll provide the training and support.

To volunteer with AARP Experience Corps, please fill out the application here.

Email tcheek@elev8baltimore.org for more information.


South Baltimore Adult High School Volunteer

To volunteer for SBAHS, please fill out application here.

Email slucas@elev8baltimore.org for more information.


OST Volunteer

To participate as an OST volunteer, please fill out application here.

Email slucas@elev8baltimore.org for more information.


For more general information, please email us at: info@elev8baltimore.org