Families, youth and communities claiming their power.

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Elev8 Baltimore Summer Freedom School 2024!!

Enroll here!  Enrollment Step 1, Enrollment Step 2   Summer is Almost Here! Elev8 Freedom Schools is back! A literacy-focused six-week summer experience that focuses on culturally diverse literature that highlights local Baltimore artists, authors, the Black, brown and indigenous experience in America while reinforcing college and career readiness standards. …

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Community Schools: A Model for the Middle Grades

An Education Week commentary praises Elev8, community schools model. Expanding the number of community schools is no longer a goal that can be left on the periphery of school reform. No academic standards, tests, or school-based interventions will ever be able to completely mitigate the economic, family, medical, and emotional needs…

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Report shows progress at Collington Square and Tench Tilghman

In December 2017, Carson Research Consulting (CRC) conducted evaluations to assess the progress being made toward the program’s goals and objectives at Collington Square and Tench Tilghman Elementary/Middle School. The reports answer the following questions: Are students improving academically? Is the program being implemented according to quality standards for youth development programs? Are parents…

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“Elev8 is trying to help as many parents as they can to get to where they need to be in life.”

– Elev8 Baltimore Parent